Norwegian courses for Ukrainian refugees

If you are a Ukrainian refugee with temporary collective protection we would like to offer you 80 hours of free Norwegian lessons.
Important information:
We have no more spots available for 2023. If you are interested in free Norwegian training with Alfaskolen in the future, please fill out the form below and we will let you know as soon as we know more!
Важна інформація:
У нас більше немає вільних місць на 2023 рік. Якщо ви зацікавлені в безкоштовному норвезькому навчанні з Alfaskolen у майбутньому, заповніть форму нижче, і ми повідомимо вас, щойно дізнаємося більше!
You can choose between classroom-courses in Alfaskolen in the heart of Oslo or online from anywhere in Norway in a virtual classroom. The course is free of charge and in addition you will receive free 24/7 access to a Norwegian online learning resource. If you choose learning Norwegian online, you will need access to a device with a camera and microphone, and stable internet.
In 2023, courses are offered at three levels:
- A0-A2 basic Norwegian for new beginners
- A2-B1 elementary Norwegian for students who have completed A0-A1
- B1 intermediate Norwegian for students who have completed A2
Free Norwegian courses in Alfaskolen are offered in collaboration with IMDi
* By signing up for this course you declare that you are a Ukrainian refugee under temporary collective protection who is either waiting to be settled (bosetting) in a municipality, or after settlement have started working instead of participating in an introductory program (introduksjonprogrammet).